developing a style
I have always wondered when I was going to have a specific style. I thought it would just manifest itself one day and that is what I will be known for. As I grew and made progress as a photographer, I still had the feeling that I didn’t have a style and everything was a shot in the dark. My wife helped me realize that I indeed have a style. As I started reviewing my older photography, I started to see the patterns as well. I think my style is on going and forever changing. I like to isolate subject matter if possible. I really like my photos to have one main subject or concept to look at. I like to have the rest of the photo support that and lead you into that place. I love symmetry in every possible way. My drone really scratches that niche with the giant screen and ease of composition. I lean on anything that seems novel to me and try to capture what about it that caught my attention. My accuracy rate has gone up significantly. I also take the time to delete the dud photos off the camera before they ever make it to the computer. I carry a SD card adapter with me because I am impatient and I want to edit photos right then and there. I genuinely think me excitement for photography drives my style. I have learned to go with my intuition. I have come to accept that bad photos are part of the process. You can’t take an amazing photo every time you click the shutter. You have the power to delete and cull the bad photos. Part of developing my style was learning how to be your harshest critic and when photos need to go. I have limited capacity when it comes to grey matter, so choices need to be made. I like to think my style is “searching for pretty light” and subject isolation. Search for pretty light.