aps-c is perfect

In 2013 I purchased my first aps-c camera. I researched for nearly half a year since this was going to be a huge purchase for me. I never had a camera with an exchangeable lens. I was starting from scratch so I wasn’t loyal to any company. During my research I realized that Sony made the sensors for a large portion of cameras including competitors. I had always liked Sony and I thought they might have the leading tech since they made the sensors. I bought the Nex-6 with a kit lens and insurance direct from Sony. I did’t want to take any chances of the camera had an issue. My previous Sony cybershot had an issue and it was a costly repair.

I went with aps-c at the time because Sony did not have a full frame sensor camera yet. In theory this new e-mount would be the future of lenses etc. I bought in to the idea and Sony was correct. At the time everyone was just adapting lenses to work but now e-mount has a large native selection to choose from. I bought into a system that has gotten better and better. Sony started something remarkable and I’m glad I made and stuck with them throughout my journey growing as a photographer. The tools they offer let me focus on composition and being creative. I am a fan boy of how Sony enables my photography. Aps-c is alive and thriving.

-Curtis Randal




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