but why blog in 2023?
I have also questioned why I chose to blog in 2023. I started this blog purely for me and myself. This blog holds me accountable for my 2023 goals. I will be a better photographer and videographer this year though daily practice. I want to train my eyes to look at details differently. I want to better understand how light works with my surroundings. I want to shoot clean, sharp, focused, and accurate colors in my photos and video. This blog keeps me in check every couple of days. It’s actually quite enjoyable to write again.
I am overwhelmed by the current social media landscape. I have worked very hard on YouTube and Instagram over the years and my efforts haven’t paid off. I will still use social media but it will just be my leftover media from these blog posts. I want people to enjoy my photos, videos, and words in a curated way. This site is here to document my life for me so I want it to look great. The downside is that I don’t have an app. I don’t think that is a bad thing to be honest. I want people to visit my site every couple of days because they want to come visit. It’s going to be a work in progress for awhile. I will be taking things slow and steady so I don’t get overwhelmed myself. I think improving my mental health has led me back to my “normal” me. The “normal” me has a drive and loves to create. I am excited for 2023, we have a lot to do and see.