say no to full frame
I made the choice to stay away from full frame for at least until I need to get a full frame Sony for a specific reason. I read articles and watched countless videos that kept trying to convince me that full frame is what you need to upgrade to. It took me a long time to realize that the size or kind of camera has hardly anything to do with good photography. It is a tool that I need to learn how to use properly. In 2012 I bought my first prosumer camera, the amazing Sony Nex-5 with a kit lens. It took many many years playing with that camera to fully understand how to use it. I still enjoy taking photos with it. I went with Sony because of their e-mount system. My plan was to eventually upgrade to a FE body and I could use all of the lenses that I had since it was the same mount. That plan never happened because I never really had the funds to purchase a new body. I just kept using my Nex-5 until 2019 when the a6400 was released. By this time I had acquired a decent, but not great selection of lenses. They did the job but I struggled with them. I ran a lot of tests on all of my lenses to evaluate which were good and which were bad. I have a good set of glass with excellent sharp fast lenses. I also have a bad set that has numerous issues. I always thought I just had a crappy camera, but it turns out I had crappy lenses.
Now it’s 2023 and Sony hasn’t made any announcements or released any plans for a new aps-c camera that has better specs than the a6600. I decided I am not going with full frame and I am going to get that body. I have many reasons why I will stay with the aps-c line up.
They are extremely compact and lightweight.
The lenses I own now are phenomenal and I really don’t want to spend a ton of money to purchase the FE versions of these lenses
I already own the batteries, cages, gear etc
I know the colors will be perfect to match with the a6400.
New pictures below.